Task |
European Union Agricultural Workforces clustering task. |
Wisconsin Breast Cancer classification task. |
Boston Housing regression task. |
Iris cost-sensitive classification task. |
FuelSubset functional data regression task. |
Gunpoint functional data classification task. |
Iris classification task. |
NCCTG Lung Cancer survival task. |
Motor Trend Car Road Tests clustering task. |
Phoneme functional data multilabel classification task. |
PimaIndiansDiabetes classification task. |
Sonar classification task. |
Spam classification task. |
J. Muenchow's Ecuador landslide data set |
Wisonsin Prognostic Breast Cancer (WPBC) survival task. |
Yeast multilabel classification task. |
Create a classification, regression, survival, cluster, cost-sensitive classification or multilabel task. |
Create a classification task. |
Create a cluster task. |
Create a cost-sensitive classification task. |
Create a multilabel task. |
Create a regression task. |
Create a survival task. |
Convert a machine learning benchmark / demo object from package mlbench to a task. |
Get only functional features from a task or a data.frame. |
Find matching learning algorithms. |
Find matching measures. |
Subset data in task. |
Description object for task. |
List the supported task types in mlr |
Training |
Train a learning algorithm. |
Train an R learner. |
Tuning |
Control object for tuning |
Create control structures for multi-criteria tuning. |
Result of multi-criteria tuning. |
Result of tuning. |
Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with CMAES. |
Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with predefined design. |
Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with GenSA. |
Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with grid search. |
Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with Irace. |
Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with MBO. |
Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with random search. |
Hyperparameter tuning. |
Hyperparameter tuning for multiple measures at once. |
Tune prediction threshold. |
Remove hyperparameters settings of a learner. |
Prediction |
Predict new data. |
Converts predictions to a format package ROCR can handle. |
Predict new data with an R learner. |
Learner |
Internal construction / wrapping of learner object. |
Find matching learning algorithms. |
List of supported learning algorithms. |
Create learner object. |
List the supported learner properties |
Create multiple learners at once. |
Convert arguments to control structure. |
Classification of functional data by Generalized Linear Models. |
Learner for kernel classification for functional data. |
Learner for nonparametric classification for functional data. |
Create a stacked learner object. |
Resampling |
Fit models according to a resampling strategy. |
Prediction from resampling. |
ResampleResult object. |
Construct your own resampled performance measure. |
Create a description object for a resampling strategy. |
Instantiates a resampling strategy object. |
Generate a fixed holdout instance for resampling. |
Parallelization |
Run machine learning benchmarks as distributed experiments. |
Supported parallelization methods |
Preprocessing |
Generate dummy variables for factor features. |
Downsample (subsample) a task or a data.frame. |
Drop some features of task. |
Generate classifier calibration data. |
Convert large/infinite numeric values in a data.frame or task. |
Crossover. |
Join some class existing levels to new, larger class levels for classification problems. |
Merges small levels of factors into new level. |
Normalize features. |
Over- or undersample binary classification task to handle class imbalancy. |
Remove constant features from a data set. |
Summarize columns of data.frame or task. |
Summarizes factors of a data.frame by tabling them. |
Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique to handle class imbalancy in binary classification. |
Benchmark |
Benchmark experiment for multiple learners and tasks. |
BenchmarkResult object. |
Create model multiplexer for model selection to tune over multiple possible models. |
Creates a parameter set for model multiplexer tuning. |
Merge different BenchmarkResult objects. |
Reduce results of a batch-distributed benchmark. |
Convert BenchmarkResult to a rank-matrix. |
Perform a posthoc Friedman-Nemenyi test. |
Perform overall Friedman test for a BenchmarkResult. |
Extract the aggregated performance values from a benchmark result. |
Extract the feature selection results from a benchmark result. |
Extract the feature selection results from a benchmark result. |
Return learner ids used in benchmark. |
Return learner short.names used in benchmark. |
Return learners used in benchmark. |
Return measures IDs used in benchmark. |
Return measures used in benchmark. |
Extract all models from benchmark result. |
Extract the test performance values from a benchmark result. |
Extract the predictions from a benchmark result. |
Extract all task descriptions from benchmark result (DEPRECATED). |
Extract all task descriptions from benchmark result. |
Return task ids used in benchmark. |
Extract the tuning results from a benchmark result. |
Create box or violin plots for a BenchmarkResult. |
Create a bar chart for ranks in a BenchmarkResult. |
Plot a benchmark summary. |
Feature selection |
Create control structures for feature selection. |
Result of feature selection. |
Filter features by thresholding filter values. |
Calculates feature filter values. |
Extract the feature selection results from a benchmark result. |
Returns the filtered features. |
List ensemble filter methods. |
List filter methods. |
Create a feature filter. |
Create an ensemble feature filter. |
Fuse learner with a feature filter method. |
Plot filter values using ggplot2. |
Generate feature importance. |
Show and visualize the steps of feature selection. |
Feature selection by wrapper approach. |
Model evaluation |
Confusion matrix. |
Estimate relative overfitting. |
Estimate the residual variance. |
Generate hyperparameter effect data. |
Generates a learning curve. |
Generate partial dependence. |
Generate threshold vs. performance(s) for 2-class classification. |
Generate data for critical-differences plot. |
Measure performance of prediction. |
Measures |
Performance measures. |
Aggregation object. |
Confusion matrix |
Compute new measures for existing ResampleResult |
Aggregation methods. |
Calculate receiver operator measures. |
Specify your own aggregation of measures. |
Construct performance measure. |
Creates a measure for non-standard misclassification costs. |
List the supported measure properties. |
Set aggregation function of measure. |
Simplify measure names. |
Imputation |
Built-in imputation methods. |
Impute and re-impute data |
Create a custom imputation method. |
Re-impute a data set |
Spatial |
Create (spatial) resampling plot objects. |
Functional data analysis |
Bspline mlq features |
DTW kernel features |
Extract functional principal component analysis features. |
Extract features from functional data. |
Fast Fourier transform features. |
Multiresolution feature extraction. |
Time-Series Feature Heuristics |
Discrete Wavelet transform features. |
Constructor for FDA feature extraction methods. |
Fuse learner with an extractFDAFeatures method. |
Re-extract features from a data set |
Get only functional features from a task or a data.frame. |
Check whether the object contains functional features. |
Create a data.frame containing functional features from a normal data.frame. |
mlr configuration |
Configures the behavior of the package. |
mlr: Machine Learning in R |
mlr documentation families |
Returns a list of mlr's options. |
Visualization |
Create box or violin plots for a BenchmarkResult. |
Create a bar chart for ranks in a BenchmarkResult. |
Plot a benchmark summary. |
Plot calibration data using ggplot2. |
Plot critical differences for a selected measure. |
Plot filter values using ggplot2. |
Plot the hyperparameter effects data |
Visualizes a learning algorithm on a 1D or 2D data set. |
Plot learning curve data using ggplot2. |
Plot a partial dependence with ggplot2. |
Plots a ROC curve using ggplot2. |
Create residual plots for prediction objects or benchmark results. |
Plot threshold vs. performance(s) for 2-class classification using ggplot2. |
Plots multi-criteria results after tuning using ggplot2. |
Cost-sensitive classification |
Create a cost-sensitive classification task. |
Wraps a classification learner for use in cost-sensitive learning. |
Wraps a regression learner for use in cost-sensitive learning. |
Wraps a classifier for cost-sensitive learning to produce a weighted pairs model. |
Extract functions |
Bspline mlq features |
DTW kernel features |
Extract functional principal component analysis features. |
Extract features from functional data. |
Fast Fourier transform features. |
Multiresolution feature extraction. |
Time-Series Feature Heuristics |
Discrete Wavelet transform features. |
Helpers |
Get or delete mlr cache directory |
Access help page of learner functions. |
Get specific help for a learner's parameters. |
Failure model. |
Deprecated, use |
Is the model a FailureModel? |
Wrappers |
Fuse learner with the bagging technique. |
Classification via regression wrapper. |
Wraps a classification learner to support problems where the class label is (almost) constant. |
Wraps a classification learner for use in cost-sensitive learning. |
Wraps a regression learner for use in cost-sensitive learning. |
Wraps a classifier for cost-sensitive learning to produce a weighted pairs model. |
Fuse learner with simple downsampling (subsampling). |
Fuse learner with dummy feature creator. |
Fuse learner with an extractFDAFeatures method. |
Fuse learner with feature selection. |
Fuse learner with a feature filter method. |
Fuse learner with an imputation method. |
Fuse learner with multiclass method. |
Use binary relevance method to create a multilabel learner. |
Use classifier chains method (CC) to create a multilabel learner. |
Use dependent binary relevance method (DBR) to create a multilabel learner. |
Use nested stacking method to create a multilabel learner. |
Use stacking method (stacked generalization) to create a multilabel learner. |
Fuse learner with the bagging technique and oversampling for imbalancy correction. |
Fuse learner with preprocessing. |
Fuse learner with preprocessing. |
Fuse learner with removal of constant features preprocessing. |
Fuse learner with SMOTE oversampling for imbalancy correction in binary classification. |
Fuse learner with tuning. |
Fuse learner with simple ove/underrsampling for imbalancy correction in binary classification. |
Wraps a classifier for weighted fitting where each class receives a weight. |
Induced model of learner. |
Getter functions |
Query properties of learners. |
Query properties of measures. |
Get or delete mlr cache directory |
Extract the aggregated performance values from a benchmark result. |
Extract the feature selection results from a benchmark result. |
Extract the feature selection results from a benchmark result. |
Return learner ids used in benchmark. |
Return learner short.names used in benchmark. |
Return learners used in benchmark. |
Return measures IDs used in benchmark. |
Return measures used in benchmark. |
Extract all models from benchmark result. |
Extract the test performance values from a benchmark result. |
Extract the predictions from a benchmark result. |
Extract all task descriptions from benchmark result (DEPRECATED). |
Extract all task descriptions from benchmark result. |
Return task ids used in benchmark. |
Extract the tuning results from a benchmark result. |
Get tuning parameters from a learner of the caret R-package. |
Get the class weight parameter of a learner. |
Confusion matrix. |
Get default measure. |
Return the error dump of FailureModel. |
Return error message of FailureModel. |
Returns the selected feature set and optimization path after training. |
Calculates feature importance values for trained models. |
Returns the filtered features. |
Get only functional features from a task or a data.frame. |
Deprecated, use |
Get current parameter settings for a learner. |
Get the ID of the learner. |
Get underlying R model of learner integrated into mlr. |
Get the note for the learner. |
Get the required R packages of the learner. |
Get the parameter values of the learner. |
Get the parameter set of the learner. |
Get the predict type of the learner. |
Get the short name of the learner. |
Get the type of the learner. |
Returns a list of mlr's options. |
Retrieve binary classification measures for multilabel classification predictions. |
Get the |
Get the tuned hyperparameter settings from a nested tuning. |
Extracts out-of-bag predictions from trained models. |
Get a description of all possible parameter settings for a learner. |
Return the error dump of a failed Prediction. |
Get probabilities for some classes. |
Get response / truth from prediction object. |
Get summarizing task description from prediction. |
Deprecated, use |
Return the error dump of ResampleResult. |
Get list of predictions for train and test set of each single resample iteration. |
Get predictions from resample results. |
Get task description from resample results (DEPRECATED). |
Get task description from resample results (DEPRECATED). |
Get the resampling indices from a tuning or feature selection wrapper.. |
Returns the predictions for each base learner. |
Get the class levels for classification and multilabel tasks. |
Extract costs in task. |
Extract data in task. |
Get a summarizing task description. |
Deprecated, use getTaskDesc instead. |
Get feature names of task. |
Get formula of a task. |
Get the id of the task. |
Get number of features in task. |
Get number of observations in task. |
Get the name(s) of the target column(s). |
Get target data of task. |
Get the type of the task. |
Returns the optimal hyperparameters and optimization path after training. |
Get the optimization path of a tuning result. |
Setter functions |
Set aggregation function of measure. |
Set the hyperparameters of a learner object. |
Only exported for internal use. |
Set the id of a learner object. |
Set the ID of a learner object. |
Set parameters of performance measures |
Set the probability threshold the learner should use. |
Set the type of predictions the learner should return. |
Set threshold of prediction object. |