Get probabilities for some classes.

getPredictionProbabilities(pred, cl)



Prediction object.


Names of classes. Default is either all classes for multi-class / multilabel problems or the positive class for binary classification.


(data.frame) with numerical columns or a numerical vector if length of cl is 1. Order of columns is defined by cl.

See also


task = makeClassifTask(data = iris, target = "Species") lrn = makeLearner("classif.lda", predict.type = "prob") mod = train(lrn, task)
#> Error: Please use column names for `x`
# predict probabilities pred = predict(mod, newdata = iris)
#> Error in predict(mod, newdata = iris): object 'mod' not found
# Get probabilities for all classes head(getPredictionProbabilities(pred))
#> Error in checkClass(x, classes, ordered, null.ok): object 'pred' not found
# Get probabilities for a subset of classes head(getPredictionProbabilities(pred, c("setosa", "virginica")))
#> Error in checkClass(x, classes, ordered, null.ok): object 'pred' not found