subsetTask, getTaskData: arg “features” now also accepts logical and integer
removeConstantFeatures now also operates on data.frames and makeRemoveConstantFeaturesWrapper can be used to augment a learner with this preprocessing step.
normalizeFeatures, createDummyFeatures: arg ‘exclude’ was replaced by ‘cols’
normalizeFeatures is now S3 and can be called also on data.frames
SMOTEWrapper: fix a bug where “sw.nn” was not correctly passed down
fixed a bug that caused hyperparameters to be not passed on correctly in the ModelMultiplexer in some cases
fix bug with NoFeaturesModel and ModelMultiplexer
fix small bug in DownsampleWrapper when trained with weights
getNestedTuneResultsOptPathDf: added new arg “trafo”
improve documentation for permutation.importance filter and perform slight argument renaming to fix potential name clashes
plotPartialDependence can plot classification tasks with more than one interacted features now