mlr now supports survival analysis models (experimental)
mlr now supports cost-sensitive learning with example-specific costs experimental)
Some example tasks and data sets were added for simple access
added FeatSelWrapper and getFeatSelResult
performance functions now allows to compute multiple measures
added multiclass.roc performance measure
observation weights can now also be specified in the task
added option on.learner.warning to configureMlr to suppress warnings in learners
fixed a bug in stratified CV where elements where not distributed as evenly as possible when the split number did not divide the number of observation
added class.weights param for classif.svm
add fix.factors.prediction option to randomForest
generic standard error estimation in randomForest and BaggingWrapper
added option to task constructors, so basic data cleanup can be performed is now an option in configureMlr
learners now support taggable properties that can be queried and changed. also see below.
listLearners(forTask) was unified
removed tuning via R’ optim method (makeTuneControlOptim), as the optimizers in there really make no sense for tuning
Grid search was improved so one does not have to discretize parameters manually anymore (although this is still possible). Instead one now passes a ‘resolution’ argument. Internally we now use ParamHelpers::generateGridDesign for this.
toy tasks were added for convenient usage: iris.task, sonar.task, bh.task they also also have corresponding resampling instances, so you directly start working, e.g., iris.rin