For your convenience mlr
provides pre-defined Task()
s for each type of learning problem. These are used throughout this tutorial in order to get shorter and more readable code.
Type | Task | Description |
classif | bc.task | Wisconsin Breast Cancer classification task. |
gunpoint.task | Gunpoint functional data classification task. | |
iris.task | Iris classification task. | |
phoneme.task | Phoneme functional data multilabel classification task. | |
pid.task | PimaIndiansDiabetes classification task. | |
sonar.task | Sonar classification task. | |
spam.task | Spam classification task. | |
spatial.task | J. Muenchow’s Ecuador landslide data set | |
cluster | agri.task | European Union Agricultural Workforces clustering task. |
mtcars.task | Motor Trend Car Road Tests clustering task. | |
costsens | costiris.task | Iris cost-sensitive classification task. |
multilabel | yeast.task | Yeast multilabel classification task. |
regr | bh.task | Boston Housing regression task. |
fuelsubset.task | FuelSubset functional data regression task. | |
surv | lung.task | NCCTG Lung Cancer survival task. |
wpbc.task | Wisonsin Prognostic Breast Cancer (WPBC) survival task. |